Maximum Delivery time 40 Days after Completed Event Shoots. But we will try to Delivery as soon as possible.
We will not provide any Pendrive/SD Card. If you want to take Delivery from our Office you have to bring Pendrive with you. But if your event Total Budget more than 20,000/= TK, then you will get Pendrive free.
Our maximum Event Duration is 6 hours. You will get additional 1 hour free. But more than 7 hours, you have to pay 20% TK for every Extra hour.
We will take extra Travel Cost for outside Pabna Sadar Upazila.
After Booking Completed, You can’t change your Event Date or Cancel Event. If you want to change Event date then you have to discuss with us. We will try it for you if possible. If you cancel Event after Booked, you will not get your Advance as Refund.
Please tell us proper time about your Event.
Do good behaviour with us.
Give us proper time and follow our Rules.